The increasing abuse of drugs and illicit trafficking is being brought by other nationalities to Mon State and is critically affecting Mon youth’s mental state argued the New Mon State Party (NMSP) Chairperson Nai Hongsa. The Chair made the claim in a speech at the 73rd Mon National Day, recently held in Ba-Neng-Bein village.
“Our Mon people are wealthier compared to other ethnic nationalities [in Myanmar], and this draws more illegal drug trafficking to our region. Drugs are produced in a different place and are sold in the Mon region.

Those drug traffickers do not sell drugs to their community but to the Mon people. According to our observation, more than half of the youth [population] in Mon state have used drugs, and some of those young people have had their lives destroyed,” said Chairman Nai Hongsar.
There is no sign of a decrease in drug abuse in the Mon State despite many discussions amongst religious leaders [monks], and some political leaders including Hluttaw representatives.
Many civil society organizations, like the Mon Youth Progressive Organization and other developmental organizations have taken action to combat drug abuse by organizing educational programs and activities in different communities in the Mon state. Hluttaw representative Dr. Aung Naing Oo also raised drug-related questions to the Mon State Hluttaw on May 2nd, 2019.
NMSP efforts to increase arrests of those in possession or use of illegal drugs has resulted in an estimated 100 youths, being charged with drug possession and use.
“We have arrested around 80 people including drug traffickers and users in Thaton District Office, and there are around 70-80 people in the Mawlamyine District Office and Dawei District Office.Some parents sent their drug addicted children to us to get help for the treatment. Rehabilitation is much easier for those who are in the early stage of addiction. However, we found it difficult to help patients with serious drug addiction (due to damage of their) brain or mental state.” said NMSP Chairperson Nai Hongsar.
“Drug addiction destroys people’s lives. The addiction does not only ruins a drug addict’s life but also creates trouble for parents, relatives, and the community. Those who intentionally wish to make our ethnic nationalities disappear, [have] introduced illegal drugs [in our region] to destroy our youth. In the future, the elderly are getting old, and are not able to work.
Since our youth are suffering mental disorders, how are we going to compete with other nationalities then?” continued the NMSP Chair.
In response to the rising numbers of young people abusing drugs in Mon State, the NMSP, monks, and people in the community held a Youth and Drug Forum at the Ko Yin Lay (temple) grounds in Ye Township in 2018.
Following the forum, a collaborative effort of 45 members, including 15 monks, 15 civil society representatives and 15 members of the NMSP, established a drug addict rehabilitation center.
According to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) Section 25 of Chapter 6 the government and ethnic armed organization must collaborate to eradicate illicit drug issues.
On January 10th, the NMSP seized and incinerated 300 kratom plants between Nga Pyaw Chan village and Site Kalay village in Kyarinnseikkyi Township and arrested the plantation owner.
On March 1st, 2019, respective authorities with the NMSP in Kyarinnseikkyi Township destroyed thousands of Kratom plants near Sa-Neah Wei village.
On March 20th, 2019, New Mon State Party (NMSP) sub-Battalion No. 5 caught one Burma Army soldier from Mudon Township and seven civilians in possession of 468 methamphetamine pills, a bag of kratom leaves, six motorbikes, five hand phones, and 85,000 kyats on the Ah-Bhit (Mudon Township)-Kalo village (Kalay-Tha-khon-Dine) route in Mon State They were then sent to NMSP’s Mawlamyine District Office.