A shooting incident occurred on August 12 at the Bilin toll gate located in Kan Thar Yar ward, along the Yangon-Mawlamyine highway in Mon State. The attack resulted in injuries to five toll gate employees—three men and two women, according to local sources.
The shooting took place around 6:30 PM when a vehicle traveling from Bilin towards Kyaikto township opened fire on the toll gate.
The injured employees, three men and two women, were working at the toll gate, which is operated by Mandalar Family Company under a tender contract.
Despite the presence of a military junta checkpoint near the toll gate, no return fire was reported during the incident, locals said.
So far, no armed group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Although the military junta checkpoint near the toll gate has been frequently targeted, this is the first time the toll gate itself has come under fire, locals added.