At the Dong Thami Chaung Bridge bordering Mon State and Karen State, a battle broke out between the Military Council Army and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), People’s Defense Forces (PDF), and three tourists were killed.
At approximately 6:00 a.m. on June 1st, the checkpoint and security bunkers situated at Dong Thami Chaung Bridge were subjected to a raid carried out by the combined forces of KNLA and PDF. This operation involved both heavy and small weapons, along with the deployment of landmines.
āA woman tourist and two men were killed in the fight at Dong Thami Chaung Bridge. There were casualties on the side of the military council troops. There are a lot of ambulances going between Thaton town and Duyinseik village,” said one resident.
During the battle, a house was destroyed by fire from artillery shell explosions, and the rural hospital of Duyinseik village was also damaged.
According to sources close to the military council, 2 members of the military council were killed and at least 4 others were injured.
According to residents and tourists, the Thaton-Hpa-an road was blocked for more than 3 hours due to the fighting on the Dong Thami Chaung Bridge. The road was reopened at around 9:00 a.m.