Often referred to as ‘mini ipads’ the production of handcrafted slate boards (aka chaulk or black boards) mostly used by school children has resumed in Bilu Kyun.

In addition to providing the slate boards to school children, many hotels and restaurants are now using them as welcoming signs or to showcase menus.
Hotels in Yangon Township have increased their demand for these once popular items. As a result local craftspeople have returned to making them.
“What they requested is bigger sizes. So, we have to make larger slate boards for them,” said one craftsmaker from Bilu Kyun Island.
In late September orders increased for the slate boards for hotels in Yangon who were using them for decorative purposes and for menus.
According to one craftsmaker from Ywa Lutt Village, the sales had previously been for primary school children. With schools reopening, expectedly sometimes soon, production of the boards has started after nearly a year shut down due to Covid-19.
“At the moment, we are doing the framing parts. We have started working on it,” said another villager from Ywa Lutt Village.
Ywa Lutt villagers are hopeful that with COVID-19 cases dropping, the tourism industry can resume, and the market for black boards will come to life again.