The Mon State Government has donated 400 bags of rice and sports equipment to the NMSP liaison office in Mawlamyine for the NMSP-controlled drug rehabilitation center on 25 January 2021 .

State Hluttaw representative Dr. Min Soe Lin, and Committee member for the Promotion of the Rights of Ethnic Nationalities, said, “I submitted [the request] to the Mon State government. And they gave me 400 bags of rice. Sports equipment is also being provided for rehabilitation. Medical issues were not discussed. We have donated two times now, and will continue to donate in the future.”
Government donations to the NMSP, which signed the National Ceasefire Agreement, were the result of coordinated efforts of the Committee for the Promotion of the Rights of Ethnic Nationalities.
The Committee for the Promotion of the Rights of National Races, chaired by Dr Tin Myo Win, was formed by President U Win Myint on August 10, 2020 in accordance with the President’s Office Notification No. 94/2020.
In addition to the government donation, a team of Mon doctors donated 220 bags of rice at the end of 2020.
Mawlamyine, Thaton and Dawei all fall within the NMSP-controlled area. On average these districts see over 200 drug addicts and drug offenders per month.
“Currently, there is not enough medicine in the three districts, and there is not enough rice to feed them. We are feeding them as much as we can. Last month, Mon medical teams provided more than 200 bags of rice to our three districts. Thank you very much to them and the Mon State Government for their donations, ” said Nai Banyar Lae, NMSP Home Affairs Officer.
Donations have also come from other Mon political leaders. In the third week of December 2020, Mon State Chief Minister, Dr. Aye Zan and Cabinet Members donated 200 bags of rice in Ye Chaung Phya, 1,000 pistas of oil plus COVID-19 health protection supplies.