Last week, the New Mon State Party, the Mon ethnic armed group, held a meeting to, as well, discuss the participation of women in the peace process.
Organizers pledged to have at least 30 percent female participation in the peace process.
The Peace Process Review and Promotion for Women Participation meeting took place at the Rehmonnya Hotel, in Mon State’s capital, Mawlamyine from May 30 to May 31.
“We have allocated for 30% female participation in the short term but for the long term, we must have 50% female participation. To completely reach such percentage, we must carry out some important processes. This 30% that we have hoped for will be fulfilled,” said Mi Lawi Han, member of the Mon Unity Party’s executive committee.
“Before, we requested 50:50 [male-female participation], but that’s not realistically attainable. But with this 30% women participation, our goal is clear. When we talk about gender [equality], female participation has been lacking and weak. But with this recognition, the goal for women is attainable and clear,” said Mi Cherry Soe, Director of Women Empowerment and Child Rights Program, of Jeepyah Civil Society Development Organization.
The objective of prioritizing discussion of women participation is to promote female leadership in policy making regarding Mon affairs.
Participants at the meeting of Peace Process Review and Promotion for Women Participation and Leadership included Nai Aung Min, general secretary of New Mon State Party (NMSP), Nai San Tin, joint secretary (2) of the Mon Unity Party (MUP), and MUP’s central committee members. The Mon Orchestral Organization, Mon Mon civil society organizations, and the Yarmanya Lawyers Network also sent representatives.