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HomeEditorialMon Gov’t’s report exhibits representatives’ capabilities

Mon Gov’t’s report exhibits representatives’ capabilities


We have observed the governmental team’s qualifications when the Mon State Hluttaw representatives reported to Hluttaw in response to the Mon State Government’s report at the fourth regular session of Mon State Hluttaw Conference, during the second week of December.

The Mon State Government presented its initial 6 month report of the 2016-2017 fiscal year at the Hluttaw. However, according to the analysis and suggestions of the 12 Hluttaw representatives, the report must be reviewed, revised and then presented again at the Hluttaw. This decree by the State Hluttaw Speaker put the qualifications of the government on record.

Fourth regular session of Mon State Hluttaw conference (Photo: Mon Hluttaw)
Fourth regular session of Mon State Hluttaw conference (Photo: Mon Hluttaw)
The government’s 6-month report stated that there are 2,000 buffalo and oxen in each village. Since there are 341 village tracts in the state, there are 650,000 buffalo and oxen. Also noted was prawn fisheries holding 51 acres in Kyaikhto Township. However, in reality, those facts are not accurate, according to the analysis made by Huttaw representatives.

The report did not touch on the completion of road and bridge construction project with the allocated budget. Regarding the peace process activities, the report only had the office addresses of ethnic armed groups in the state, which displays the government’s lack of interest in the current peace process.

It is important that the report mentions the government group’s respective project activities, the advantages and disadvantages, challenges, and changes as well as taking and accepting responsibility for the report. It can not be reiterated enough that it must be written with transparency.

“The points from this 6-month report were also taken from previous reports. Since the report hasn’t been revised yet, we do not know how many facts are wrong. During this new government term, the government will re-check and revise the numbers and facts until they become systematic,” said a Mon State Minister who is also a member of the state government. We can see, when analyzed closely, how united of the entire government appears.

As “Time to change” is mentioned, the Mon State people imprinted their responsibility when they voted in the 2015 Election as citizens. However, it is the responsibility of the political party that took office and are now in power, to establish a qualified state government.

Hence, Mon News Agency (MNA) observed that the unqualified ministers, or those who should be removed, must be replaced with qualified Hluttaw representatives to allow the reformation of a new Mon State Government.

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