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HomeNewsMoulmein-Ye-Tavoy Power-line Project may be constructed with ADB loan

Moulmein-Ye-Tavoy Power-line Project may be constructed with ADB loan


Implementation of the power lines and power substation project of Moulmein-Ye-Tavoy will begin if the government receives loans from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), according to Dr. Tun Naing, Deputy Minister for Ministry of Electricity and Energy during a question and answer session at Pyithu Hluttaw Regular Session on Monday’s meeting.

The above response was directed at a question from Dr. Aung Tun Khine, a Pyithu Hluttaw representative for Mon State’s Ye Constituency, on September 26. The question was whether the government has a plan to implement power lines for electricity distribution in the upcoming fiscal year.

 Hluttaw representatives’ q&a session over power substation project (Photo: Pyithu Hluttaw)
Hluttaw representatives’ q&a session over power lines project (Photo: Pyithu Hluttaw)

The Deputy Minister’s answer also mentioned that according to the Union government conference No. 8/2016, ADB would provide an estimated 500 million USD as a loan for three of the power line projects which was confirmed by the ADB.

“They [ADB] also replied that their loan system has limitations and that it’s necessary to find other partners that can provide other loans if more funds are needed. Additionally, they agreed that they would also help find such partners for other loans,” said Dr. Tun Naing, regarding taking loan.

The power project would be at 230 KV standard and an estimated 103.4 million USD would be spent for the project before interest. The ADB interest rate would be at 1% during the suspended 8 years but it would rise to 1.5% in the payback period within 24 years.

Dr. Aung Tun Khine also stated that of Mon State’s 10 townships, only Ye Township was void of receiving the electricity support. This was noted in the previous government’s last term when Pyithu Hluttaw representative of Ye constituency asked three times respectively at Hluttaw about access to the electricity. However, no government supplied electricity was yet provided to the Ye Township.

If the government received the loan, construction will begin and the Electricity and Energy Ministry will work hard to be able to provide electricity to Ye Township, answered by Dr. Tun Naing.

Currently, Myat Thura Htun Company is privately distributing electricity 24 hours, in Ye Town’s 9 Quarter and nearby villages, including Ahzin, Thamainseit, Abaw, Zeebyutaung and Duya, costing 350 Kyat per unit.

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