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HomeNewsShot fired at vigilante militia group; two wounded

Shot fired at vigilante militia group; two wounded


Map of Southern Ye (Photo: Google Map)
Map of Southern Ye (Photo: Google Map)
Reported by IMNA, Marauders intruded and opened fire on a vigilante militia group in southern Ye Township, Mon State. The

gun fight left two men from the militia group wounded.

Early morning on August 25, near Hta-nee Tha-kyar Village, Southern Ye Township, an extortionist group led by Nai Mon Chan opened fire at the Nai Bin and Nai Lin Oo led militia group, which was founded to subdue criminals in the area. After the two sides exchanged fire for a few minutes, two men from the militia group were shot.

“It was after midnight, that the group came in and opened fire. This [militia group] side was not aware of them coming and then faced the suffering. Two men got wounded, and one of them got seriously wounded,“ said a member of the militia group.

Of the two injured, one named Nai Ah-dut got shot in the ribs and through to his back, and is in a serious condition. Another one named Nai Ahkar Rot was wounded in his left arm.

The men first sent to Military Operations Command (MOC-19) hospital in Ye Town, and then they were sent to Moulmein City for better medical treatment.

“Because the wounds were severe, they were to receive medical treatment at the southeast command’s hospital. So, they were sent there, in Mawlamyine (Moulmein),” said a close person from the MOC-19.

The current leader of the vigilante group, named Nai Bin was also widely known in the past for actively extorting locals in southern Ye Township and northern Yebyu Township. But in 2012, he and his men gave up their arms to Infantry Batallion (IB) No. 31 based in Kawzar Town.

The Nai Bin group was then ordered by the Tatmadaw [government army] to be based in Ma-kyee Village, as militia to subdue extortionist gangs.

The current extortionist gang leader, Nai Mon Chan, was 2nd leader of the militia group in 2014.

After signing ceasefire agreement with the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) in 1995, the New Mon State Party (NMSP) were not allowed to be active along the highway from southern Ye Township and Yebyu Township.

Due to the absence of the NMSP, several small armed groups, commit robbery, extort locals and commandeer the area. Each group has fought with one another, while some gave up their arms to the government only to go back to a life of crime. This activity has been about continuing for two decades

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