democratic system, according to NLD’s emeritus chairman U Tin Oo, as adressed in his speech in Ye Town, Mon State on Thursday, October 8.
“Since Union Day in 1995-1996, NLD already given the guarantee firmly, “said U Tin Oo, in his speech at the event promoting NLD candidates to public.
U Tin Oo continued that 2015 is the 100th anniversary birthday of General Aung San born in 1915, who drove colonists and fascists out of the country. In regards to political matters, it is a very interesting year considering NLD’s chairwoman Daw Aung San Suu Kyi involvement in the election campaign. If people want to repay him, we should implement his objective, which was to establish federal union.
“What I want to urge deeply is that it is okay if we cannot pay him back by celebrating his 100th birthday. But instead, it is every citizen’s responsibility to be able to succeed in establishing democratic union of Myanmar [Burma], which is what he [Gen. Aung San] aimed for,” said U Tin Oo.
The candidate promotion event was held at public park in Yan Gyi Aung Ward, Ye Town, in front of thousands of people, including NLD members and locals.
At the campaign in Moulmein, the capital of Mon State, on October 7, U Tin Oo also urged people to let go of their frightened minds and cast their votes.
From October 7 to 8, U Tin Oo, along with NLD members, conducted campaigns in Moulmein capital, and Kyaikto, Thaton, Mudon and Ye towns.