More than 7,000 local residents from 6 villages have fled to safety due to heavy weapons fire from the State Administrative Military Council.
According to the local residents, the SAC Military Council forces started firing heavy weapons at Takaychaung, Nghet Pyaw Taw, Zee Khome, Pitouttaw, Chanmyae and Kayawayseik villages in Kyaikhto Township beginning at 9:00 PM on March 21st.
The Thaton Township People’s Defense and Revolutionary Forces (TPDF) and the Karen and People’s Defense Joint Forces launched a drone attack on the Kyaikhto-based Military Council Division (44th) headquarters. It is believed that in response, the SAC Military Council forces began to fire heavy weapons at Nghet Pyaw Taw village at around 10:00 a.m. on March 21st.
“At around 4:00 p.m., they started shooting with heavy weapons. After 9:00 p.m., they continued to shoot with heavy weapons until 12:00 p.m.,” said a resident who fled. People fleeing the war are in urgent need of food, medicine and shelter for temporary living, he added.
About 100 SAC military council forces also entered an area east of Kim Moon Camp.
The 310th Artillery based in Theinzayat, Kyaikhto Township, Mon State, and the Military Council forces based at Kim Moon Camp on the side of Police Hill (Ye Khone) are responsible for the attacks.
In addition, on the night of March 20th, heavy weapons fired by the SAC military council exploded on a residential house in a village above Kayawayseik, Bilin Township, killing two men and injuring a pregnant woman.