The Mon News Agency recently interviewed the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army-Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), spokesperson Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, who shared thoughts on peace discussions with the State Administrative Council (SAC).
The following is an edited version of that interview
Question : For its second attempt, which groups will KNU/KNLA-PC discuss peace with?
Answer : The New Mon State Party, DKBA, KNU/KNLA/PC have already been notified. For the second time, this is the kind of meeting that has been arranged. If the actual dates are confirmed, they will be notified a week in advance.
Question : Did they inform you of what will be discussed in the invitation?
Answer : There has been nothing to that effect in this letter yet. However, we have information that we want to discuss and that we have to plan for in advance. It has nothing to do with the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST). This is just for the three groups. In the past, each group was invited, but this time we sent a notice in advance, and we are three groups: Mon, DKBA, and PC. They sent their invitation to these three groups in one letter, so it can be understood that these 3 groups will meet later.
Question : If so, could there be a PPST group meeting?
Answer : We hope so. I hope that we have issues related to the entire Union. In order to overcome the crisis and difficulties of this country, these are issues related to the whole country, and that’s why we meet like this. We also hope for a meaningful political dialogue involving all the participants based on the original three National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) principles of the PPST. We are working hard to achieve such a scenario
Question : What kind of situation did General Saw Mu Tu Sai Po take over as PPST’s leading patron?
Answer : Regardless of the situation and after the last Summit, the composition of our PPST has changed a little. Rather than the 10 groups like before, with 7 plus 3 we have regrouped…. Before when General Saw Mutusi Po, had been leading the PPST we recognized he brought many successes. Given our current political situation, we are trying to overcome many difficulties. We have made the PPST the steering committee, with 5 leaders and our collective leadership plus a leading patron which we did not have before. As a traditional ethnic leader, with experience, and with the whole of the PPST, we hope to continue to guide and lead with vision for the journey ahead. The agreement to take charge as the leading patron of the PPST has been confirmed by General Saw Mutusi Po himself, who accepted our offer and now is in charge of the leadership of PPST.
Question : Don’t you offer General Yew Sis too?
Answer : We made an offer to both of these leaders. This is because both acted as a team during the last PPST incident. Father Saw Mutusi Po has agreed to serve as the lead patron of PPST with the right to make his own individual and personal decisions. As for General Yew Sis, and due to the nature of his organization, his historical background, as well as his geographical situation, he does have the conditions to serve as a leading patron. However, if the PPST meetings can be given the necessary conditions, they have said that they will provide all-round assistance.
Question : Colonel, do you have anything to say about the current peace talks?
Answer : As for the scenario of where the next 3 groups will go, there is not much encouragement. By meeting one group at a time, we can try to create a scenario where 3 groups can meet together. In any case, as PPST, which is facing the current crisis and difficulties, we believe that there will be a political meeting and discussion at one point or another. I would like to say the same thing about the PPST’s efforts.