Three people, including the Administrator of Asin Village in Ye Township and a member of the People’s Militia, were attacked on their way back from Asin to Ye Township. Administrator U Maung Myint was killed and three others were injured, according to police.
On February 2, U Maung Myint attended the opening ceremony for the new Nai Lon asphalt road in Yan Myo Aung Ward, Ye Township. He was shot dead by a group of armed men in front of the Abaw Village Administration Office on his way back from the stage, reported the police chief.
“He was reportedly chased by a motorcycle. We do not know for sure what organization may have been responsible. Here in this area there are the Karen, Mon, and PDF forces. It is a situation where both enemies and friends are mixed. We are investigating the scene.” Said U Thein Zaw, Police Chief from Ye Township Police Station.
The New Mon State Party (NMSP), the Karen National Union (KNU), the Burmese Army, the regional People’s Defense Force (PDF) and other armed groups are all active in Ye Township.
Ashin Village Administrator U Maung Myint, was 73 years of age. He died from a gunshot wound to the head.
In addition, U Nay La, a member of the People’s Militia, was injured in the shooting, as was U Aung Moe Thu who was shot twice in the left leg and U Tay Za Min was shot once in the left knee, according to Ye Township Police.
Gun violence also occured on the 24the January when U Win Nyunt (B) Rasin, a Muslim resident living at No. 13 Extension Thallawaddy Road, Yan Myo Aung Ward, Ye Township, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen.