A unit of the Myanmar military has been searching for locations of the People Defense Forces (PDF). Their search included looking near the controlled area of New Mon State Party (NMSP), specifically, near the Ye-Tavoy expressway, in southern Mon State, Myanmar.
Myanmar military forces came within 10 miles of the Ye-Tavoy expressway.

According to information the New Mon State Party (NMSP) received, a 50-person unit of the State Administrative Council (SAC)’s military, was headed to the southern area of Ye River in WalPaung Village area, near the controlled area of NMSP.
The unit came to the area on September 4 and searched for the members of the PDF nearby rubber and orchard plantations, according to an NMSP official, who requested anonymity .
“I thought something was going on here. But they’re not heading towards us. It seems like the army is searching near the WalPaung area. But then, they left that area and went to the other side of Ye river through Eaimshee Village,” said the official from NMSP.
On September 3, the army came to the area of KyunLaung Village where there are a majority of NLD (National Leagues for Democracy Party) supporters. They remained for one night searching for members of the PDF.
“The army has not been here for a long time. The villagers here are also keeping eyes on them. For now, the situation is fine,” said a local rubber farmer near WelZin Village.
In 1995 the ceasefire agreement under the State Law and Order Restoration Council (Slorc) demarcated NMSP territory. This was reinforced in 2018 when the NMSP signed the National Ceasefire Agreement. The National League for Democracy government had also recognized previous ceasefire agreements and territorial claims.