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HomeNewsNMSP calls for NLD and Tatmadaw to settle their issues politically: Does...

NMSP calls for NLD and Tatmadaw to settle their issues politically: Does not condone use of force


The New Mon State Party (NMSP) said yesterday (February 12) that the current political situation between the military and the NLD should be resolved through political dialogue. The NMSP does not want to see the use of force for any reason, as it has historically suffered the costs of such actions.

On February 1, the Tatmadaw seized power from the NLD government, which had won 396 parliamentary seats in the November 2020 election, an increase over their 2015 electoral win of 390 seats.  

The Tatmadaw continues to claim without evidence,  that the election was substantially flawed.  The Union Election Commission as well as election observers concluded the election was peaceful, orderly and reflected the sentiments of the people.

The NMSP statement on this dispute notes that the people throughout Burma believe that peaceful protests are in line with democracy and that the military should abide by the rule of law, without resorting to violence.  

Debate continues over the decision of the Mon Unity Party’s (MUP) Central Executive Committee to participate in the Tatmadaw’s creation of a  State Administrative Council.   The  NMSP urges a meeting of the MUP Central Committee to reconsider that decision due to deep-seated and opposing views of some Mon people.  

However, the New Mon State Party (NMSP) statement on this matter says it was “deliberately negotiating within the party in a democratic manner and is respecting the outcome” of the MUP.

The Peace Process Steering Committee (PPST) also issued a special statement on 2 February voicing their concerns with the current political crisis and military coup.  The PPST is calling for the immediate and unconditional release of detained leaders, and a peaceful solution to the political crisis without resorting to force.  The PPST reiterated its commitment to carrying out the  peace process in accordance with the National Ceasefire Agreement. 

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