Since February 1, 2021 the Tatmadaw has reconstituted the Union Election Commission and called for new elections within a year.
A State Administrative Council was also formed on February 2.
The Mon Unity Party (MUP) has been offered a seat on this newly created body, formed by the Tatmadaw following their coup.

“[MUP] has been offered [an opportunity] to participate at the national level, but we did not accept the report to the Chair. The EC executive meeting will be called tomorrow. We will discuss this issue. It is common for such parties to have two perspectives on such matters. The party also needs to issue a statement on the current coup,” said an anonymous MUP central executive to the Mon News Agency.
The military also offered a seat to the Asho Chin National Party (ACNP) butl, it was rejected, reported a party official.
Five ethnic parties, including Mon Unity Party (MUP), the Kachin State People’s Party (KSPP), the Kayah State Democratic Party (KySDP), the Karen National Democratic Party (KNDP) and the Chin National League for Democracy (CNLD), issued a statement on 5 February in response to the coup.
The joint statement calls on all parties to work together to establish a federal union and focus on national unity and internal peace. The joint statement emphasized the need to find political solutions to political problems through dialogue.
The Chin National League for Democracy (CNLD) also issued its own statement on February 4 directly protesting the military coup.
The Arakan National Party (ANP) indicated that if the Tatamadaw maintains the promise to hold free and fair elections in one year, they will participate.