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HomeNewsMon Unity Party Hluttaw representatives sign promise pledge

Mon Unity Party Hluttaw representatives sign promise pledge


A signing ceremony to acknowledge promises made to the Mon Unity Party since it was nominated as a parliamentary candidate in the 2020 election was held on January 16 at the Pai Khet Hall in Mawlamyine. The event took place in front of the Central Executive Committee of the Mon Unity Party (MUP). 

Nai Laye Tama, Joint Secretary of the Mon Unity Party (1), explained what the ceremony acknowledged.  “There are nine main points. Whether to take responsibility in parliament or in government. If they want to take responsibility, they have to follow the decisions of the party. And accept the party’s political agenda. There are three main points that we will discuss with the central government and discuss the central guidelines.”

Nai Laye Tama added,  “The winning candidates have already made these nine commitments before the election, but now that they have become representatives, they are afraid of  them being forgotten. So,  this just reminds everyone of the party’s guidelines, ” said Nai Lay Ta Ma.

In the next third Mon Hluttaw, if the government acts in a positive way, it will be united and will have the best control, according to Min Aung Htoo, Ye Township State Hluttaw Constituency No. (2) Winning Hluttaw Representative.

“The role of the Hluttaw is to control the government. If governments are doing the right thing, they will accept it, and work together. If the government is not doing the right thing, as a member of parliament, I will propose, give advice, criticize, ” said Min Aung Htoo.

In the 2020 general election, the Mon Unity Party won 12 seats in parliament.

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