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HomeNewsUnited Nationalities Democracy Party become UNA member

United Nationalities Democracy Party become UNA member


The United Nationalities Democracy Party (UNDP) has become a member of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA).

“At today [June 27]’s meeting, new members were welcomed to the UNDP,” said U Myo Kyaw, member of the UNDP’s secretary group.  He added any ethnic party can become a member if they agree with UNA’s policy and receive 75% of the existing memberships acceptance. 

The UNDP has partnered with other organizations that have similar objectives. 

Photo: Members of United Nationalities Alliance (photo: UNA)

“Since the beginning, we, the  UNDP, have partnered with other organizations. We have collaborated with UNA before. The policy [principles] of UNA are similar to ours. We walk together on this path to establish a democratic force. “ said Naw Ohn Hla, General Secretary of the UNDP.

With the UNA now a member of the UNDP it does not need to compete in ethnic area elections. It will collaborate with other parties, noted Naw Ohn Hla. 

“We will work together …  hand in hand…and will work hard to succeed,” he added. 

The UNA has about 70 partner organizations including Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD), Rakhine League for Democracy, Zomi Congress for Democracy, Shan State Kokant Democratic Party, Kayan National Party, Kachin National Democracy Congress, Kayin National Party, Danu Nationalities Democracy Party, Khumi National Party, Mro National Democracy Party, Chin League for Democracy, and the Red Shan and Northern Shan Ethnic Solidarity Party.

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