On May 28, 2020, the Karen National Union (KNU) arrested 4 Mon adolescents, accusing them of using illicit drugs, at a rubber plantation near Ngar Kalay stream of Kyaung Yaw village, Ye Township, Mon State. The KNU demanded 2 million Kyat for their release, according to family members of the detainees.

“Four people with KNU military uniforms came to our plantation at night and arrested my son and 3 adolescents in the plantation accusing them of using drugs. One of them was caught with 10 (methamphetamine) pills in hand. That boy must be punished at the KNU military base but the remaining three need to pay 2-million-Kyat fine for their release,” said a mother of a detainee.
The four adolescents have been detained at a KNU base nearby Bel La Mu village, Ye Township.
One of them was tortured and suffered an eye injury and his mother had to pay 700,000 Kyat to the KNU for his release. KNU said the other two would be released when they paid 1.3 million Kyat.
“My son lost his eye when he was a child and we replaced it with a fake eye five years ago. After being beaten by KNU, his (fake) eye was bleeding. He also suffered from pain so I went to the KNU base on May 31 and paid 700,000 Kyat for his release. Now, he has been taking treatment in Mawlamyine,” said his mother.
The family members of the rest two detainees are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to pay the heavy fine of 1.3 million Kyat demanded by the KNU.
On May 7, 2020, No. 4, the Karen National Police Force (an entity within the KNU) arrested 37 young Mon people for possession and sale of illicit drugs and kratom leaves, and also imposed heavy fines.