A review of the recent arrests of drug users and dealers by the New Mon State Party’s (NMSP) Thaton District’s force, reveals that over 25% are women, and are from the areas of Kawpain and Min Ywa villages, Kawkareik Township,Karen State.
Drug related arrest records from the first of March to the first week of May, included a total of 50 detained persons.

According to Nai Min Zaw Oo, a member of Central Executive Committee of NMSP’s Thaton District, some of the arrested women are pregnant and some have hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
“Because they are women, it is not good to detain them like men. Also, we cannot have them placed [in the same jail] as men. Sometimes, pregnant women give birth [in jail]. And sometimes, we have to place them, with their very young kids,”
-said Nai Min Zaw Oo.
Mon civil society organizations (CSOs) provide health education, drug cases, and women rights.
Nai Min Zaw Oo continued,
“[Some of] these women are not the only ones who use drugs, but the dealers too. These are grownup women. But they are the ones who first sell the drug [and] later they become [drug users].”
Despite Covid-19 related travel restrictions and the cancelling of Thingyan (water festival), the number of people using and selling drugs has increased.
One of the women detainees had a message for others,
“… I want to give a message to my friends back in the village — stop using drugs. For me, I am here detained. I want to tell them not to be like me and face charges here. …drugs give nothing beneficial. This also leads us to be little in the community. This is not a good path. No one should face such problems in our lives. Please, stay away from drugs,”
said Mi Mon (changed name), who is currently being detained for drug use.
According to NMSP’s Thaton District, medical support and rations are needed for those in detention.
The NMSP has stated that drugs are the national enemy. The NMSP’s Mawlamyine District and Thaton District have been providing educational awareness, and rehab services for arrested drug users.