An on-line meeting took place on May 12th between Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAO’s) that signed the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and the government’s C-19 Coordinating committee.
Nai Aung Ma Ngae, who is in charge of the New Mon State Party’s (NMSP’s) central political affairs, told Mon News Agency (MNA) “we exchanged information with the government about ways to contain the disease including technology, equipment materials, and things we need.”

The NMSP has not been able to provide treatment to presumptive cases of C-19 in their area, but will help to connect State Health Departments as needed.
Nai Aung Ma Nage continued “We also shared our ideas regarding registration for workers returning from Thailand and people returning from long-distance trips. [This included] collecting necessary travel history, as well as sharing patient-related information and seeking help from INGO’s and NGOs”
The NMSP requested blankets, mosquito nets, bedding related items, PPE suits, hand sanitizer, hand gel, and masks to be used in the 18 quarantine centers set up by the NMSP.
It was a favorable and wide ranging discussion that dealt with socio-economic issues, education, health, and social sectors also involved in the present and post C-19 context. The talks are to be continued.
The conference was attended by the government’s C-19 Coordinating Committee leader Dr. Thin Myo Win, the committee Vice-Chair, U Knin Zaw Oo (Retired Lt-Gen) and Secretary U Hla Maw Oo, who also holds a position in the Deputy Minister of Ethnic Affairs, and committee members, U Hla Maung Shwe, U Moe Zaw Oo, and U Kyaw Lin Oo.
The NMSP representatives included Central Executive Committee Members, Nai Bayar Lei, Nai Aung Ma Ngae, and Central Committee members, Nai Hong Sar Bo Kheai and M. Seik Chan.
Yesterday, the government’s C-19 Coordinating Committee hold a similar on-line discussion with nine delegates from the Karen National Union (KNU) led by KNU Secretary, Pa Doh Saw Tar Doh Moo.