The New Mon State Party (NMSP) has sent a message of condolence along with a delegation who attended the funeral of Major General Saw Htay Maung, Chairperson of the Karen National Liberation Army Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC). The Major was 93 year-old and was KNU/KNLA-PC signatory to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).
The NMSP’S acknowledged the Major General’s tenure through various political crises and the peace process. Their statement noted his strong commitment to national equality and self-determination.
The funeral was held on May 5 at the Martyrs’ Cemetery of Kawkayeik District, Htokawko headquarter, Way Naw Tayar church.

Ethnic Armed Groups, the State Counselor, the Kayin State Minister, government departments, family members, relatives, and friends sent funeral bouquets, and condolence letters. A prayer service included a reading of the Major General’s revolutionary campaign address.
The Major General served in the Karen Rifles Groups Brigade 1 under the British Army as a teenager and later became a part of the Karen Revolution in 1949. He served as a Commander of the KNLA Brigade 7, and later became Commander-in-Chief of the KNLA.
The KNLA brigade led by the General, held peace talks with the government troops in ToKawKo village in Kawkreik Township in Karen State on January 31, 2017. Following that historic meeting, the Peace Council of KNU/KNLA was established.Major General Saw Htay Maung passed away on May 3rd, at 6 pm. He is survived by his wife, Pi Pi Nawma Yaing Yar, a son, Pastor Saw Le Htoo, and daughters, Naw Eh Say Yar General Secretary of the Peace committee, Naw Kapaw Htoo and Naw Say Bu Gay who lives in Australia.