According to the Mon State government the June Cement Industry Limited company has plans for its operations to be built near Makro village located in the Mount Bayar-Daung region in Kyaikmayaw Mon State.
The company has submitted a required environmental impact assessment (EIA) report to the Union Government for the manufacture of limestone which is a part of its operations. According to Dr. Min Kyi Win, the Mon State Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, the EIA has not yet been approved.
The State level government has however, already granted a license for June Cement Industry Project to manufacture limestone until 2036.
The June Cement Industry has also received approval from the Myanmar Investment Commission on March 16th in 2016 to invest US$ 471 million for 5000 tons of daily cement production.
According to Dr. Min Kyi Win, “The June Company [plans] to manufacture limestone in the northern part of Mount Bayar Daung. However, they have not done anything yet. The other part of the mountain will be used by the MCL Cement industry.”

Last November, the representatives from the June Cement Industry met with local people at Ywa-Oo monastery in Makro village, Kyaikmayaw Township to explain the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for their planned cement factory project.
“We tried to ask them questions related to the process of the stone mining and cement industry construction, but they do not answer us,” said Nai Shwe Win, a resident of Makro village who attended the meeting.
Local people are concerned that the June Company will not implement its planned project but instead may proceed with building a coal power plant.