The Mon community’s trust in the nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA) is wavering, according to a New Mon State Party (NMSP) statement given at a Mon National Day celebration last Wednesday. Despite the NCA, the NMSP still faces political barriers when it comes to secession and one-party Tatmadaw (Myanmar Army) rule. In addition, the fourth peace conference (21st Century Panglon Conference) is not being held on schedule.
At the 72nd Mon National Day celebrations held in the armed group’s liberated area on Wednesday, February 20, the NMSP expressed their hope of establishing a genuine federal union with equal rights, democracy, and self-determination. The NMSP had signed the NCA with these hopes in mind. However, it has been one year since the signing of the NCA, and the Tatmadaw has not turned over the NMSP troop bases, which the Tatmadaw had previously seized. In addition, the NMSP has yet to participate in the Joint Ceasefire-Monitoring Committee (JMC) of Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region, respectively.
The NMSP is not satisfied with talks with the Tatmadaw. “The other day, we had an informal meeting in Naypyitaw. At the meeting, we informed the respective [Tatmadaw] officials. We are only allowed one representative in the JMC-U (Union-level of the JMC), and we could only participate in Mon State’s JMC-S (State-level of the JMC). So, because NMSP is not allowed to join the talks of the Karen State-level JMC and Tanintharyi Region-level JMC, NMSP has decided not to join the Mon State-level JMC,” said NMSP General Secretary Nai Aung Min at the press conference on Wednesday (February 20).

The NMSP’s 72nd Mon National Day celebration was held near the Thai-Burma border in the NMPS-controlled village of Palaedonpaik in the Three Pagodas Pass area. The event included a NMSP parade. A press conference was held after the celebration.
In addition to the NMSP Mon National Day celebration on the Thai-Burma border, a Central Mon National Day celebration was held in the compound of Shwe Mawdaw Pagoda in Bago Capital. The Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee Chairwoman and State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi sent a letter that was read at the celebration. The letter stated her firm belief that although there are challenges on the road to national reconciliation, they will be overcome by the unity of Pyitaungsu (union) sons and daughters (citizens).

Nai Thet Lwin, the Union Minister of Ethnic Affairs, read the letter on behalf on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, “When heading to the future federal democracy, I proudly send this letter and I hope the ethnic Mon people will stand together, hand [in hand] with the other ethnic brothers/sisters, and will cooperatively participate actively.”
The letter continued that today in the minds of ethnic Mon people, the dawn of the peace is covering the entire Mon State with brightness and warmth.
Celebrations of the 72nd Mon National Day were also in Yangon, Mawlamyine, Mudon, and other Mon villages, as well as in foreign countries, including Thailand.
Mon National Day marks the day the two Mon princesses, Samala and Vimala, established the Mon Kingdom Hongsarwatoi (Bago) on the 1st Waning of Tabodwe (Maik month in Mon) in the year 1116 of the Buddhist Era.