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HomeNewsAn armed band extorts money in southern Ye area

An armed band extorts money in southern Ye area


A 20-member armed band has been extorting money from local plantation owners in southern Ye area, Mon State, which only started to become stabilized two years ago, according a monk from southern Ye area.

“It’s been over two weeks since this group started extorting money. I heard that it is active in Kyaik Min Ma Lawt Mountain area from Pauk Pin Kwin to Ohn Pin Kwin near Ka Lawt and Han Gan,” said Ashin Siri Han Tha, a prominent monk from southern Ye area.

A former armed group, which collected extortion money from the public, surrendered to Ye-based 19th Military Operations Command (MOC-19) in 2016 (Photo – MNA)

He heard that the armed group demanded between Ks 300,000, Ks 500,000, and one million kyats per plantation from the owners of rubber plantations, durian plantations, and betel plantations in southern Ye area but he is unsure whether or not the owners paid the money.

“I heard that they (the armed group) is active near Han Gan Village and has been extorting money, but I don’t know the demanded amount and the number of troops [in the armed group]. But, the workers work in the plantations during the day and go home in the evening,” said Ashin Panita from southern Ye area.

He continued that he has not heard any news about skirmishes between the armed group and the Tatmadaw even though the Tatmadaw has gone after them in the mountainous area.

On condition of anonymity, a resident of southern Ye area said: “When I inquired about it outside, most of the people said they have only heard about it. They can’t say who from which village has been extorted and how much money has been demanded on which day. As far as I heard, Ks 400,000 has been demanded from each person going to the plantation on the road to Kyaik Min Ma Lawt. Since a lot of people are talking about it, many people are afraid to go to the plantations. They are worried. Now, we heard that a Tatmadaw battalion has arrived since five days ago.”

Less than three Mon armed groups or bandits have appeared after the New Mon State Party (NMSP) withdrew from southern Ye area in 2010 and news records show that kidnappings, extortion, and even murders occurred in the area.

However, the area became stabled after a 20-member group led by Nai Ah Hlain, Nai Ah Lon, and Nai Ah Saung surrendered their arms to Ye-based 19th Military Operation Command (MOC-19) in June 2016.

Southern Ye area was declared a black area by the government in the past and it was a stronghold of the NMSP. After reaching an agreement with the military government in 1995, the NMSP withdrew from the area, according to the news records.

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