Three migrant workers killed a female rubber plantation owner from Pa Nga Village over a dispute on collecting firewood in Wea Yat Village in Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State on April 12 evening, according to the deceased woman’s family.
The body of the deceased woman, who has been identified as Ma Moe Moe Oo, was found in a face-down position and covered with dry leaves and branches beside a road to the rubber plantation in Wea Yat-Pa Nga Village. The deceased plantation owner received a wound on her left temple, bruises on her face, and showed signs of bleeding from her ears and nose.
“After finding the body, we searched the surroundings. The police found suspicious workers living inside a tent beside the railway and investigated them. At the police station, they confessed that a former convict, his sister and his brother-in-law beat her to death after getting in a dispute over the collection of firewood in the plantation,” said a family member of the deceased woman who did not want to be named.
Former convict Yan Kyaw Linn, also known as Mae Lone or Mae Thee, who was released early from prison, and his sister Ma Wai Hnin and brother-in-law Hla Oo have been charged with murder at Thanbyuzayat Myoma Police Station.
“This Mae Lone, also known as Mae Thee, was recently released after serving time in prison for a murder charge. I remember that he was sentenced to seven years in prison for the case where a man was beaten to death by seven men,” a former administrator of Pa Nga Village told the Mon News Agency.
Rubber plantations, summer paddy farming, salt farming, and fishing industry are the main industries in Thanbyuzayat Township and migrant workers from the Ayeyarwady, Sagaing, Magway, and Bago regions came to work in the township due to shortage of human resources.
Around 45,000 migrant workers arrived in the Mon State in 2017 and the majority of them reside in Thanbyuzayat and Ye townships, according to the Mon State Directorate of Immigration and Manpower.