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“First priority is to aid development for farmers. I want to develop the technical sector, particularly irrigation for farmers… Second is to prioritize the improvement of ethnic literatures and cultures,” says AMDP’s Candidate Nai Win Htut


As a candidate of the All Mon Regions Democracy Party (AMDP), Nai Win Htut, A.G.T.I (Civil Engineering) holder, will compete for the Pyithu Hluttaw Constituency of Chaungzone Township, Mon State in the upcoming by-election,

AMDP candidate Nai Win Htut competing for Chaungzone Township’s Pyithu Hluttaw (Photo: MNA)
AMDP candidate Nai Win Htut competing for Chaungzone Township’s Pyithu Hluttaw (Photo: MNA)

Born in 1956, in Kamar Moe Village, Chaungzone Township, he worked as vice-head at the Chaungzone Township’s Irrigation Department from 1980 to 1989, while similarly serving as vice-head of Construction (5) from 1990 to 1998. He also worked as the head of the Chaungzone Township and Kyaikmayaw Township Irrigation Department as well as head of the Pyinmana Township Irrigation Department from 1999 to 2004 and 2004 to 2007 respectively. He again served as the head of the Chaungzone Township Irrigation Department from 2008 to 2015 and soon retired on the government pension. From 2016 till today, he has worked as a technical head of the People Centered Project.

Regarding social and national activities, during his university student life he was involved in Mon Literature and Culture activities as well as other literary pursuits.

Last week, MNA reporter Mi Aow Mon met with the AMDP candidate Nai Win Htut, also known as Nai Mya Win,  and conducted an interview surrounding his opinions and decisions on competing for the Pyithu Hluttaw constituency of Chaungzone Township, Mon State.

Mon News Agency: Why have you decided to compete in the by-election and to be elected as a Hluttaw [parliament] representative?

Nai Win Htut: I inherently have an interest in politics. In 2015 Election, I competed for the State Hluttaw constituency. In this 2017 by-election, three members from our party were proposed to compete. However, because there can only be one Hluttaw representative, the other two members endorsed me to compete. Therefore, I decided to compete in this by-election.

MNA: How will your party support you during your campaign in the township for the Hluttaw representative?

NWH: There won’t be any difficulties as I have experience from competing in the 2015 election. It is either success or failure. Since I am involved in NGO [Non-Govermental Organization] work, I do not have much free time compared to my 2015 election campaign. Our party members will help campaign for me. I will work on the campaign at night but will focus on the NGO work during the daytimes.

MNA: What do you believe will benefit the people if you were elected as the Hluttaw representative?

NWH: There are four competitors. Four of them have their respective qualifications. Every party assumes that their candidate will win. This all is dependent on the decisions of the public as voters. Since there are two Mon parties, there are some disadvantages. However, the AMDP is stronger. There are people in every village that know about my work regarding the irrigation projects as I served as a government staff member. Now that I am working for an NGO, more locals are aware of that. That is my advantage.

MNA: What benefits do you think there will be for the public and the state after you become Hluttaw representative?
NWH: After becoming the Hluttaw representative, the main pillar that I stand for is straight-forward legislative proposals. I have desires to legislative proposals that will benefit our state and other states.

MNA: What do you think is needed for Chaungzone Township?
NWH: Since I have worked for the irrigation channel ministry, I have the wish to help eradicate the difficulties that farmers face. Particularly, the irrigation channel here is only implemented with the allocated budget from the state. This cannot be implemented 100%. After I become the representative, I would propose a draft law [bill] and technical law [instruction] and work towards Chaungzone Township’s flood prevention and management with modern technical support.

MNA: What matters would you prioritize if you were elected?
NWH: The first priority is to aid development for farmers. I want to develop the technical sector, particularly irrigation for farmers. Since farming in our Chaungzone Township requires an irrigation system, it has problems with flooding and was previously devastated in the flood. I want to prevent this by using irrigation channel systems. Due to the salty river water, the banks were damaged and caused flooding on paddy fields. Therefore, I have a plan to build concrete banks. Second is to prioritize the improvement of ethnic literature and culture.

MNA: What have you considered necessary to implement in Mon State?
NWH: I will promote the literatures and cultures of ethnicities be it Mon, Karen and PaO in Mon State. I have also planned to improve the roads in some townships in the states.

MNA: What have you considered for working with the local people on the Bilu Kyun island?
NWH: If I were a Hluttaw representative, I would get closely involved and manage the Mon Literature and Culture Committee in the township.

MNA: Do you have any messages for the public?
NWH: In 2015 [Election], “time to change” was shouted out. However, what should have been changed already, has not changed yet. This time, for the voters, they should not just focus on the party but they should vote for the person who can implement the development of their Chaungzone Township or Mon State. That is my message to the public.

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