The Mon State Hluttaw decided to revise the Mon State Government’s 2016-2017 fiscal year report, which covers the first six months, after many details appeared incorrect.
The decision to review was made at Mon State’s fourth regular session of Hluttaw [Parliament] conference on Wednesday after Hluttaw representatives analyzed the report and discovered the wrong information.
The six month fiscal report was presented by U Min Tin Aung Han, the Minister of Electric Power, Energy and Industry on December 7 at the Hluttaw conference. The report covers the months April to September.
“Regarding the Mon State Government’s first 6-month report submission, 12 Hluttaw representatives discussed the report. Resulting from the representatives’ discussions, was the decision that the state government must check the report again and revise it; then present the report to the Hluttaw. That was decided at the Hluttaw,” said Daw Tin Ei, Mon State Hluttaw Speaker.
“Looking at the government’s report, to speak for the economic sector, it is likely right that there are over 70,000 acres of farmland that are used for cultivation. Regarding the buffalo and oxen, the number of buffalo may have been around 100,000 and the number of oxen may have been 550,000 and the report totals it at 650,000. Ultimately, however, the number is not fitting with reality,” said Dr. Aye San, State Hluttaw representative of Kyaikhto Constituency No 2.
Dr. Aye San added that it’s impossible that each village has 2,000 buffalo or oxen. The report should not be based on the previous government’s directions but must be reported with transparency and responsibility.
How much of the report is incorrect is uncertain, since the governmental team has not checked and revised it yet. However, during this government’s term, it will revise in order to keep numbers on the right track, according to U Htun Htay, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Transportation.
“It seems that this six month report is also based on the facts from previous reports. It is best to present it again after checking errors in the report and revising it,” said U Htun Htay.
The discussion over the government’s first 6-month report was conducted by ten Hluttaw representatives, including Daw Khine Khine Lae, Dr. Aye San and U Chit Tin, while Col. Win Naing Oo, of Security and Border Affair Ministry and U Htun Htay, of Agriculture and Transportation Ministry.