All regular members and executive members of Chaungzone Township’s All Mon Regions Democracy Party (AMDP) will resign from the party if the party won’t hold a conference with central executive and central committee members, in order to draw roadmap for having Mon party that represents all Mon people, by the end of November.
This decision was made at Sunday’s meeting [October 30] at the AMDP’s township executive meeting held in Mudoon Village, Chaungzone Township, and a decision letter was sent to the party’s chairperson.

“All Mon people from the last election suffered greatly because there was no merger,” said Nai Sein Htun, AMDP’s central executive. “Although lots of candidates competed for the elections, only 4 candidates won. So, if there is no merger [to create a single Mon party] before the next election, it won’t be anything special for all Mon [people].”
The discussion held at the ADMP Chaungzone Township meeting included the fact that the AMDP’s central executive team never had a roadmap for Mon parties’ merger or having only one party representing all Mon, which many believe is what Mon people and monks desire.
“Our AMDP central members did not participate in the meetings much, of when Mon monks and experts negotiated for the merger,” said Dr. Aung Naing Oo, AMDP’s Chaungzone Township secretary. “The party also did not set up policy for the merger. So, that creates the possibility of difficulties for the unity of all Mon people.”
The AMDP would further discuss and decide upon its decision letter at its central executive committee meeting, according to Dr. Min Nwe Soe, General Secretary of AMDP.
The AMDP was founded in 2010, competing in that year’s elections and winning 16 total seats—three in Pyithu Hluttaw, four in Amyotha Hluttaw, and nine in regional Hluttaws.
However, despite the fact that 35 candidates from AMDP competed in the 2015 election, only one candidate, from Chaungzone Township Constituency, was elected for State Hluttaw Representative.