An armed group led by two brothers, Nai Lwin and Nai Saung, will soon surrender their weaponry to the Tatmadaw, according to locals in Ye Township, Mon State.

On Thursday [June 23], Tatmadaw’s Military Operation Command (19) personnel traveled to the main road of Kyaik Deyman Kalaw, near the entrance to Hangan Village, southern Ye Township, where they greeted and picked up the 15-men group led by the two brothers, who known locally as Ah-Lwin and Ah-Saung.
“This morning [June 23], 6 [army] trucks from the Tatmadaw arrived in our village around 8:30am. The village leader of the militia and I were invited to the outskirts of the village to welcome the group led by the two brothers, Ah Lwin and Ah Saung,” said Nai Inn, administrator of Hangan Village.
Nai Inn added that the arms submission ceremony will take place soon, but that no specific date has been set. Regardless, the assumption is that the ceremony will take place at the headquarters of Military Operation Command No. 19.
“Throughout my life, I have never escaped the sounds of guns firing. However, I now hope the fighting will be silent this time,“ said a 61-year local from southern Ye Township.
The 61-year old man continued that the robbery gangs, which have a history of looting, extorting and abduction in the areas of Ye and Yebyu towships, have an uncertain future. What will they do? Will they be granted opportunities from the government after they have surrendered?
The two brothers, Nai Lwin and Nai Saung, have about 15 men in their bang. One member is Nai Halain, whose elder brother Nai Bin had his armed group disarmed by the government in 2014.
On May 6, with 18 men and 12 guns, Mon Chan was disarmed by Light Infantry Battalion No. 280. Mon Chan’s gang was very active in southern Ye Township, Mon State, as well as in Yebyu Township, Tenasserism Division.