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HomeNews200 additional teachers for primary schools in Mon State

200 additional teachers for primary schools in Mon State


Approximately 200 teachers will be added to work as daily wage teachers in Mon State’s primary schools during the 2016-2017 academic year, according to Mon State’s Education Department.

“In Mon State, we have many educated people. Compared to other states, we do not need to increase the number of teachers. When we need to go with the system of 1 plus 4 (one head teacher and 4 assistants), we will need 191 teachers in our state and we are experiencing this now,” said U Myo Tin Aung, Director of Mon State’s Education Department.

 Mon State’s education department (Photo: MNA)
Mon State’s education department (Photo: MNA)

The decision to change the education system for the 2016-2017 academic year was made during the last government’s term. The Kindergarten Game – KG Plus program begins in June, 2016. In order to implement such a system, additional teachers are needed.

“We estimate the requirement will be 1 principal with 6 assistants (1 plus 6) for primary level in the 2016-2017 system. However, with the current situation, not to mention 1 plus 6, we are having difficulties to supply 1 plus 4,” said U Myo Tin Aung.

The selected applicants will have teaching Kindergarten (KG) correspondence training while working at assigned schools. If the teachers pass the course they would be appointed as actual primary teachers, according to the Education Department.

The accepted applicants will undertake a one-hour test on English, Maths and General Knowledge. Those who succeed will be then provided with teaching KG training.The last batch of accepted candidates have been in training since April 26, and the test for new applicants took place on April 30.

The applicants for the primary teacher posts must hold a bachelor, masters degree or a Ph.D, according to the statement on the application form.

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