Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, chairwoman of the National League for Democracy (NLD), sent a letter to the committee of the 69th Mon National Day Center yesterday.
The 69th Mon National Day Center Committee will dictate the letter at the Mon National Day event. The letter is also available to the township-level and village-level committees for their respective local celebrations at the request of the Mon National Day Center Committee, according to Nai Tala Nyi, Vice-Chairman of the 69th Mon National Day Center Committee.

“Our committee received Daw Suu’s letter first. We heard that the President will also send us a letter. We request this letter for use at the 69th Mon National Day Center event. However, if other committees involved in the 69th Mon National Day want the letter, they can have it,” said Nai Tala Nyi.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s letter stated that the 3rd objective point of the 69th Mon National Day stated that it aimed to work towards establishing genuine peace and true federal union with guarantees of ethnic equality and self-determination.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi added, as stated in the letter, that she’s very satisfied to see the objectives of the Pyidaungsu [Union] citizens during this important transition for the establishment of a federal union in the country.
According to the Committee of the 69th Mon National Day Center, they submitted various requests for the letters on February 9th to President U Thein Sein and NLD Chairwoman Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.
This year’s 69th Mon National Day falls on February 24 and the 69th Mon National Day Center will be held in Kalaw Village, Chaungzone Township, on the Bilu Gyun [Island].
Simultaneously, the 69th Mon National Day will be celebrated in areas controlled by the New Mon State Party (NMSP). Celebrations will take place in other areas in Mon and Karen states as well as Rangoon and Tenasserim divisions. Foreign countries where Mon people resettled including Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and the U.S.A will also host festivities.