Reported by Mon News Agency,
According to the 2015 year crime documents gathered by Ye Township Police Force Chief Office, the crimes were filed in three separate police stations. Those stations were Ye Town Police Station, Lamine[Town] Police Station and Kawsar [Town] Police Station. Of the 3 stations, Ye Town Police Station received 225 criminal cases, followed by Lamine Police Station and Kawsar Police Station with 44 and 33 crimes, respectively.
“Ye Town Police Station saw the most criminal cases,” said Police Chief Myint Taw, of Ye Township Police Force [Chief].
Of the 44 major-minor crime cases, Lamine Police Station also saw 1 death case and 1 drug case. Kawsar Police Station conducted one death case, 2 murder cases and 5 drug cases.
Throughout Ye Township, of the 10 [categorized] major crimes committed, 2 rape cases and 2 robbery cases also occurred.
According to U Khin Maung Gyi, of [State Hluttaw] Supreme Court, Mon State has had 44,663 cases on trial at ten criminal courts throughout Mon townships between 2011 and [October of] 2015.
Within 5 years, 1010 criminals, of which 536 were gambling, were arrested. Approximately 39,224 million kyats were confiscated from the 536 gambling cases. 424 people were arrested for consuming narcotics and subsequently, 1,230,141 million kyats were also seized, according to the documents released at the 12th regular session of Mon State Hluttaw (Parliament).