At the film festival, 13 films will be divided into 3 sessions. The festival opens on Sunday November 29 from 1pm-9pm at Dhama Hall, Sarsana 2500 Monastery, in Thiri Kaymar Ward, Ye Town.
“This is the first time such a festival has been celebrated in Ye [Town]. It will be divided into 3 sessions of film showings. We believe that the films will educate the locals. Everyone should come and see the films,” said U Aung Naing Win, secretary of Ye Township Social Society Group, joint-organizer of the film festival.
The first session will take place from 1 PM, wherein 5 films will be shown. The second session will start at5 PM with 8 films. While the third session will show 4 films from 7 PM. The award winning animation films, by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Min Ko Naing, and Hantharwaddy U Win Tin, will be displayed respectively. The films include “Wanna Go to School” and “A Buffalo Boy”.
“Films of educating children, women’s rights, labor and farmer rights will be shown,” said Director Min Thant Oo, who also organized the festival.
“Introduction”, directed by Min Thant Oo and receiver of the ‘Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’ award, will also be screened. The film covers the coal-fired power project pitched by Toyo Thai Company that may be constructed near Anndin Village and it’s effects on the lives of locals and the environment.
“I thank them for showing this film both in the country and abroad, as the film shows what is happening in our area and how locals are being lied to,” said Mi Sandar Aye, a youth from Anndin Village.
Due to the film festival shared in Mon State, the 1st film festival was organized in Moulmein Capital and the second festival took place in Paung Town, Mon State.
The films are made by the directors from the Human Dignity Film Institute.