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HomeNewsLarge number of eligible voters in Mudon, Kyaikmayaw townships absent in polling

Large number of eligible voters in Mudon, Kyaikmayaw townships absent in polling


Voters at local polling station in Mon State (Photo: IMNA)
Voters at local polling station in Mon State (Photo: IMNA)
Reported by Aik Sai, Over half of the eligible voters in Mudon and Kyaikmayaw townships, Mon State, were absent in voting in the 2015 elections, according to respective township election sub-commissions.

In Mudon Township, of the 165,376 eligible voters, only 76,836 voted, according to Mudon Township Election Sub-commission.

“Here, we have more than 160,000 legitimate, eligible voters. But only 76,000 voters came to vote. Before this, there were over 300 advanced voters,” said an official from Mudon Township Election Sub-commission.

In Mudon Township, there are 42 village-tracks. During the elections, about 102 polling stations were open. Candidates that contested in the township were from National League for Democracy (NLD), Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), Mon National Party (MNP), All Mon Regions Democracy Party (AMDP), National Unity Party (NUP), and National [Democratic]Force (NDF).

From the respective candidates in Mudon Township, U Saw Htun of NLD won for Pyithu Hluttaw, U Wai Tin of NLD won for Amyotha Hluttaw, Daw Mya Tin Gee Maw of NLD won for State Hluttaw (1), Dr. Min Kyi Win of MNP won for State Hluttaw (2).

Likewise, in Kyaikmayaw Township held 150,000 eligible voters. Only 60,000 plus voters came to vote, according to Kyaikmayaw Township Election Sub-Commission.

“Just 60,000 voters went for voting. But the list of voters stated there are over 150,000 voters. By percentage, it was 43 percentage. The percentage of the voters who did not vote was 57 percent,” said U Thant Htun Aung, of Kyaikmayaw Township Election Sub-commission.

In Kyaikmayaw Township, there were 99 polling stations, and the parties that competed there were NLD, USDP,MNP, AMDP, 88 Generation Student Youths Party (88GSY), Women’s Party (Mon), Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party, National Unity Party (NUP), as well as independent candidates.

Of all the candidates that competed, U Saw Kyaw Win Maung of NLD won for Pyithu Hluttaw, U Khin Zaw Oo of NLD won for Amyotha Hluttaw, Daw Khin Myo Myint of NLD for State Hluttaw (1), and U Min Aung Mon of USDP for State Hluttaw (2).

Only 51.3% of voters voted for respective Hluttaw [parliament] across Mon State with NLD winning in a landslide. Three representatives of MNP, one representative of AMDP and one representative of USDP were elected.

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