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NLD and UNA members to hold talks


Meeting between United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) and its partner organizations
Meeting between United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) and its partner organizations
Reported by Aik Sai, National League for Democracy (NLD), undisputed winners of the 2015 elections and currently transitioning into power, will meet with members of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) to discuss political


“That is right. After we have a meeting with our members, we will meet with the NLD to discuss how we will work together politically. However, we have not set the exact date for the meeting yet. We will decide the date after discussing with U Hkun Htun Oo and others,” said U Aye Thar Aung, a leader of UNA.

In the 2015 elections, the UNA members, including the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD), Arakan National Party (ANP), Mon National Party (MNP), and Zomi Democracy League Party (ZDLP) won respective seats. SNLD won 12 seats at Pyuthi Hluttaw, 3 at Amyotha Hluttaw and 25 at State Hluttaw. ANP won 12 seats at Pyuthi Hluttaw, 10 at Amyotha Hluttaw, and 25 at State Hluttaw. MNP won 1 for Amyotha Hluttaw and 2 for State Hluttaw, while ZNC also succeeded in 6 places.

U Aye Thar Aung went on to say that with the seat numbers the UNA members won and the NLD winning more than enough seats to form its own government, the parties will meet to discuss their political future.

According to the UNA, it is planning to hold the meeting within the third week of November.

On July 27 to 29, before the elections, UNA members held its third conference discussing how it would win major votes in the elections.

The UNA also established political relations with ethnic armed groups, including Karen National Union, Restoration Council of State State, Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), Chin National Front (CNF), New Mon State Party (NMSP), and KNU/KNLA-PC.

The UNA was founded on May 18, 2002, with the ethnic political parties who won in the 1990 elections. The UNA is comprised of MNP, ZDLP, ANP, SNLD, Kayah National Party, Karen National Party, Shan State Kokang Democratic Party and Kachin National Democracy Congress Party.

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