Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsOver 900 primary school staff positions vacant in Mon State

Over 900 primary school staff positions vacant in Mon State


New primary-school building in Thaton Township (Photo: MOI)
New primary-school building in Thaton Township (Photo: MOI)
Reported by Arkar, 900 plus primary school teacher and principal positions at government primary schools are vacant throughout Mon State in 2015-16 academic year, according to Mon State Education Department.

In Mon State, there are 1240 primary schools, with 1204 principals and over 6000 teachers; yet, about 36 principals and 903 teachers are still needed to fill vacant positions.

“Primary school teachers are needed. Particularly, more teachers are needed in Ye and Kyaikmaraw townships, which have difficult roads,” said U Myo Tint Aung, director of Mon State’s Education Department.

U Myo Tint Aung also said that during the last academic year, about 961 teachers were appointed to teach with daily wages. But this year, we could not hire any teachers. However, it’s possible that we will be able to appoint some more teachers in the 2016-2017 academic year.

U Myo Tint Aung stated that it would be very helpful, if teachers who completed their training at Mawlamyine Education College could take up the vacant places in December.

According to a teacher from a Ye Township high school, there are currently vacant positions for middle school classes, and as a result teachers in high school classes have to cover middle classes.

“It will be too late to fill the vacant positions for the upcoming December. December is about the end of the 2015-2016 academic term” said the Director.

According to Mon State Education Department, there are 88 government high schools, 107 gov’t middle schools and 1240 gov’t primary schools. About 400,000 students are studying not only at government schools but also in private schools and monastic schools.

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