The directory has more than 150 facts, and took about one and half years to compile, starting in November 9, 2013, until its nationwide publication on April 24, 2015.
“After writing a title, we have to travel to that place. When we get there, we meet with respective senior people and inquire after the facts we want,” said Daw Mya Mya Cho, who gathered the data for the directory.
Daw Mya Mya Cho went on to state that it was difficult to get information that is factual, reliable and sufficient for the directory. It had been decided not to include some facts that are insufficient And yet recorded, but the state government insisted that the directory is for the tourism zone and readers should know such facts; therefore, they have been included.
“For example, Paung Township apparently once accommodated a Japanese armory. However, we do not want to provide this information to anyone, as there is no affirming evidence. Still we do not want to leave that fact out. So, we travelled to that place 2-3 times, and learnt about the history by ourselves. Then, we wrote as much as we could on the topic using the facts procured,” said Daw Mya Mya Cho.
When tourists come to Mon State, they mostly visit well known places such as Golden Rock (Kyaik Thiyo) in Kyaihto Township, Kyaik Thanlan in Moulmein City, as well as Setse beach and Kyaikkhami in Thanbyuzayat Township, while they do not visit other places as frequently.
“In Mon State, there are lots of places to visit in every township. For example, in Kyaikmayaw [Township] alone, there are lots of caves to visit and study. To be able to learn about those places, we must go there, gather information and then write about them,” said Daw Mya Mya Cho.
The fact list of the directory includes Mon State’s general information and phone numbers of government departments. It contains a Mon cultural index with information such as traditional Mon wedding facts, meal-table proceedings of a typical Mon family and information on well-known people from respective townships. Importantly, the book features sightseeing places, historical brick tombs and a hotel directory for tourism projects.
With the desire for development of business and tourism in Mon State, Mon State based reporters and local senior people helped pile up facts for the directory.
Daw Mya Mya Cho also said that she had thought to republish the directory in the upcoming years with more complete, newly found facts and new sections.