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HomeNewsMNP given warning by State Election Sub-commission

MNP given warning by State Election Sub-commission


Mon National Party (MNP) has been given a warning by the Mon State Election Sub-commission due to the party’s joint statement with New Mon State Party (NMSP) that supported the student’s protest against the national education bill.

Concerned with the joint-statement released by MNP and NMSP on March 12, the Mon State Election Sub-commission issued letters to three members of MNP to meet with the commission on April 3. On April 7, the sub-commission proceeded to impart a warning.

“We do not accept this warning from the election sub-commission. It is not the sub-commission who gave us a warning, the state government forced them to do it. The state government already knew about the statement,” said Nai Soe Myint, joint secretary (1) of MNP, who was one of the three members that met with the State Election Sub-commission.

Even though the party members’ signatures were given for the State Election Sub-commission’s warning report, Nai Soe Myint went on to state that MNP did not accept such a warning/notice. However, it was important that the formalities of the meeting were recorded.

The State Election Sub-commission’s warning report stated that;

1) being concerned with MNP and NMSP’s joint statement, it is recorded that Mon State Election Sub-commission gave notice to MNP and therefore MNP will respect and follow the articles 405 and 407 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar as well as law article 12 of party registration;

2) MNP signed as requested below because the MNP understands that it was invited and given notice.

According to Nai Soe Myint, the State Election Sub-commission stated that although warning letters were given to NMSP, the commission did not recognize the NMSP as an unjust party.

The joint-statement by NMSP and MNP declared that the NMSP and MNP supported the protesting student groups who demanded an amendment to the national education bill; the NMSP and MNP condemned police cohorts forcibly breaking down protesting students, public and media groups by attacking them; the NMSP and MNP urged to negotiate and find solution and then release the arrested students; the NMSP and MNP will fight until the federal union with the rights of national equality and self-determination is established.

Attending the meeting with Mon State Election Sub-commission, were Mon State Election Sub-commission Chairman U Thein Htun, U Lwin Nwge, U Myint Thein Htun, Daw Nunu Yi, U Hlaing Soe Thant, and U Hein Lin Htet of the State Election Sub-commission, and joint secretary (1) Nai Soe Myint and Nai Maung Nyut of MNP.

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