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HomeNewsMNP holds its 1st Congress

MNP holds its 1st Congress


The Mon National Party (MNP) is currently holding its inaugural party congress at the party’s central headquarters in Myaintharyar Quarter, Moulmein, Mon State. This 3-day congress kicked-off on Wednesday, January 28th.

“We hold this congress with the objective to be able to stand firmly as a political party, representing the people with good leaders and good methods,” said Nai Layie Tamarh, secretary of the NMP’s congress committee.

The 3-day meeting will include the presentation of reports and respective discussions by the party’s central committee, analysis of the party’s constitution and policy, and the appointment of new members to the central and executive committees.

MNP Chairman Nai Ngaw Thein presented an opening ceremony speech, followed by speeches by Sayardaw Parlitha Mhahtay; Nai Htaw Mon, Chairman of the New Mon State Party (NMSP); Nai Hongsar, Vice-Chairman of the NMSP; Saw HaeRee, Chairman of the Karen National Democracy Network; Khun Sein Shew of the Shan State National People’s Liberation Organization, as well as representatives from other organizations.

During his speech, Sai Nyut Lwin, of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy, presented a letter from the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA), while Nai Hongsar, who also serves as Vice-Chairman of the United Nationalities Federation Council (UNFC), explained the process of the country’s current nationwide ceasefire talks.

Concerned with the January 27th protest in Kamarwet Town, which was organized by local administrative officials, political parties, and officials from other capacities who are in favor of the current government, the MNP released a statement on its official Facebook page stating that the party was not behind the protest, highlighting that the party only wants a ceasefire agreement which includes political guarantees.

266 MNP representatives from 17 townships, along with 33 observers are currently attending the MNP’s congress.

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