With the NCCT traveling to Nay Pyi Taw, hope has been revitalized that ceasefire talks will be able to gain momentum.
“What is special is that before, U Aung Min[‘s group] always had to travel to Chiang Mai, [but now the NCCT is traveling to Nay Pyi Taw]. Now, they [the NCCT] know the truth and understand that, this time, the NCCT [must] travel to Nay Pyi Taw to negotiate,” said U Hla Muang Shwe, senior advisor of the Myanmar Peace Center (MPC).
U Hla Muang Shwe continued that, at Monday’s informal talk, both sides negotiated as how to carry out points which were left unresolved from September’s last round of talks. Both the NCCT and UPWC agreed to schedule another round of talks at the end of this month, and hope that they may be able to reach some decisions during this upcoming talk.
“The outcome from this talk is [the emergence of] truth. Both sides [now] understand how to approach one another. As it is an informal talk, it’s open and both sides get to [address their] points,” said U Hla Maung Shwe.
According to NCCT leader Nai Hongsar, while talks have stopped for a while because of some difficulties, the NCCT has now found a way to engage in informal meetings with the UPWC. The NCCT has traveled to meet the UPWC in Nay Pyi Taw to discuss both sides points and perspectives.
“[Monday’s informal meeting was held] mainly to find a way for re-starting [nationwide ceasefire] talks. [Official] talks will take place at the end of this month, but the specific date has not been scheduled yet. We, the NCCT, also need to have a meeting first. If talks are able to be finalized during the next round of talks, it depends on the UPWC, and how much it has changed,” said Nai Hongsar.
Members from the NCCT who joined Monday’s informal talk included NCCT leaders Nai Hongsar, Khun Okkar, Salai Htar Hay, and U Htun Zaw, while the UPWC was represented by Minister U Aung Min of the President’s Office, U Win Htun, U Khin Ye, and U Than Htay from the UPWC; representatives from the Myanmar Peace Center also attended the talk.
The NCCT and the UPWC met for 6th round talks in September. Both sides agreed to hold another talk in October but, due to various circumstances, the groups were unable to meet