More than 100 representativse from 36 villages of Thanbyuzayat Township were present at the re-election meeting for Thanbyuzayat’s MYO Executive Committee (EC) members, according to Min Zarni Hein, Secretary (1) of Thanbyuzayat’s MYO.
“We have only selected secretary 1 and secretary 2, since [not] every village representative was there [at the meeting]. We will select secretary 3 and 4 in the last week of July,” states Min Zarni Hein, in an interview with IMNA.
At the moment, only two positions for secretary were appointed, including Min Zarni Hein as secretary 1 and Min Aung Chan as secretary 2.
Min Zarni Hein notes that villages throughout Thanbyuzayat Township already have community-based organizations (CBO), and with a drawing-lot system, two representatives from each village are elected for the Township MYO EC.
Thanbyuzayat Township’s MYO was formed on July 26, 2012, and members include around 600 youths from 40 villages across the township.
Among the group’s aims are the initiative to help develop and maintain Mon language and culture, and to carry out township development, as well as preparing for Mon language to be taught in government schools in 40 villages. The Thanbyuzayat Township MYO has built a network with MYOs in other Mon townships, working together on these issues.
After Burma’s 2010 elections, Mon youths in a number of townships have participated in several activities and worked to found various society organizations, including the Mon Youth Forum, the Mon Youth Progressive Association, and the Mon Culture and Literature Committee.