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Mon Buddhist monks oppose Suu Kyi invite to 67th Mon National Day


Daw Suu giving speech at 66th Mon National Day event in Rangoon (photo: RFA)
Daw Suu giving speech at 66th Mon National Day event in Rangoon (photo: RFA)
Khitar Non – The Mon Buddhist Monk Association sent a letter to the Mon National Day central organizing executive committee (EC) on February 3rd to voice their opposition to National League for Democracy (NLD) leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her fellow party members being invited to the 67th Mon National Day celebration. The letter listed four reasons why the Nobel Prize winner should not be invited to the event, the first of which is that Aung San Suu Kyi and her party broke a promise made to Mon ethnic leaders that they would not contest seats in Mon areas during the1990 election.

Another concerns raised in the letter is that while the NLD pledged not to contest the 2010 election because the 2008 constitution was flawed and unfair to ethnic people, the party then changed course by running candidates in the 2012 bi-elections. Other reasons listed by the letter were Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD’s handling of the Letpadaung copper mine crisis and the NLD’s position on the conflict between Arakanese and Rohingya in Arakan state. The letter also accused the NLD of not paying attention to the concerns of Mon and other ethnic people. A prominent Mon youth association endorsed the letter.

“Citing 4 points the objection letter was submitted [to the EC]. The first reason is that during the1990 election, the NLD promised not to contest elections in the areas where Mon parties were strong. But when the polls took place, the NLD broke its promise and competed in the Ye, Thanbyuzayat, Kyaikmamyaw, and Mudon township constituencies. That was how the NLD broke its promise given to Mon people,” said Nai Taw Pana Aung, chairman of Mon Youth Association in Mudon township.

Nai Taw Pana Aung also echoed the letter’s concern about Aung San Suu Kyi’s handling of the Letpadaung copper mine issue. The NLD leader was the chairperson of a commission of inquiry that concluded the controversial mine at Letpaduaung near Monywa should go ahead on land confiscated from villagers.

“The executive committee has already decided to invite the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) and Min Ko Naing and Min Zeya, as well as 88 Generation group leaders who are Mon,” Nai Mon Yarzar, Joint secretary 1 for the 67th Mon National Day organizing committee said when reached for comment. Nai Mon Yazar added that the EC has not decided whether it will invite Aung San Suu Kyi to the event.

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