Khattar Nan – Recent 2011-2012 exam results confirm that Mon State achieved the highest exam passing percentage in all of Burma. Among Mon State’s townships, Mudon produced the topmost scores for the fifth consecutive year, according to its Education Administration Office.
“There was one six-subject distinction, four five-subject distinctions, 44 four-subject distinctions, 41 three-subject distinctions, 51 two-subject distinctions and 207 one-subject distinctions,” she continued.
By contrast, the passing percentage for the whole of Burma in 2011-12 is 35.12%, in which about 460,000 matriculated students took the exam and more than 160,000 of them passed.
“Thanbyuzayat still hasn’t overtaken Mudon Township. Mudon remains first and Thanbyuzayat and Moulmein are second and third, respectively,” said a staff member at Thanbyuzayat Education Administration Office.
In this academic year, there were 13,796 matriculated exam takers in ten townships of Mon State, and 7,202 of them passed the exam.
In Mon State, there were 13 six-subject distinctions, 26 five-subject distinctions, 179 four-subject distinctions, 268 three-subject distinctions, 1,381 two-subject distinctions. Ten students from Moulmein, one from Mudon, one from Thanbyuzayat, and one from Chaung Zone received the 6-subject distinctions.