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HomeNewsLocation of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi speech in Moulmein changed

Location of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi speech in Moulmein changed


Ja-loon-htaw – The location of a public speech by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the Chairman of the National League for Democracy (NLD), to be held in Than Lwin Garden, Moulmein, Mon State, had to be changed when the municipal authorities refused to give permission to use the garden.

“They didn’t allow the public speech in the Than Lwin Garden, saying the garden had to be modernized. Now, permission was given to give the speech but only on the football pitch of a village,” according to U Ko Ko Zaw, the information officer of the Moulmein NLD office.

The Chairman of the National League for Democracy (NLD),Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.(Photo-Internet)
He said the public speech will be held on the football pitch in Kywe-chan-kone Village, beside the Moulmein-Kyaikmayaw Highway, and the people from the metropolitan area would face transportation problems because the pitch is about 6 miles from Moulmein.

“The football pitch is nearthe highway but a bit far away from the metropolitan area so the comings and goings will not be easy. The metropolitan people have to come by car or motorbike,” said U Ko Ko Zaw.

Similarly,the location of speeches by DASSK in Phyar Pone, Hle Koo, Shan State, Kachin State, Mandalay, Sagaing, Mate-thi-lar, Ta-dar-oo, and Naypidaw needed to be changed.

DASSK will arrive in Moulmein on March 10th and the Mon National Democratic Front (MNDF) to attend NLD dinner party that evening, according to Dr. Min Soe Linn, the general secretary of the MNDF. The location of the dinner party has not been determined.

The public speech is scheduled for the morning of March 11th, with the NLD campaign returning to Rangoon that day.

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