Sunday, February 23, 2025
A Little Gift for 2011 for Lasting Peace

A Little Gift for 2011 for Lasting Peace


by Nai Banya Hongsar
 – Peace is the last destination for armed and political conflicts in traumatic social and political circumstances such as those in Myanmar. After sixty years of internal armed conflict, based on both historical and ideological disputes within the diverse population, a lasting peace agreement has at last been established in some parts of the country. However, there is still remaining the unresolved question of political rights for Myanmar citizens.

The relatively small territorial nation of Myanmar with a vast population deserves better government, and economic and education systems in the line with the trend of globalized norms. It is hoped that the establishment of a ‘United States of Myanmar’, with a formal federalist framework, will allow the next two decades to be ones of lasting institutional development. This is my hope for the nation of Myanmar, and the people of Myanmar, for the new era dawning in the 21st century.

The political events that unfolded during 2011 should not be over estimated, however they should be viewed in the context of Burmese history, for which they are satisfyingly transformative. 2011 saw a new military-civilian government implemented in March, and then historically welcomed the Secretary of State for the United States of America for the first time in half a century. These were signs of major compromise by the government, however not of major change. President Thein Sein signalled for a ‘win-win’ scenario for his opponents on all political fronts, including popular opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and armed ethnic leaders. This scenario, the President’s proposed mission, is of ‘good and clean governance’ was declared on his first day in public high office. He followed this by granting permission to opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, to be able to register her political party to run in the new by-election expected in early 2012. This has been signalled as a strong sign of progress towards national unity.

The facts are that Burma will shape its own future with its own unique logic and political concepts, whether they be right or wrong. However, the survival of a nation demands exceptional amounts of effort and diligence in a world with rapidly changing social, political and economic trends. It is the utmost duty of Burmese citizens to peacefully coexist with the diverse ethnic populations, who shall all be equally recognized under the constitution. A national Parliament and a Local Assembly should be strengthening the ‘frameworks for democratization’ in Burma, and these should be based on the basic universal human rights norms.

It is a significant sign of progress that Burma is seeking peace, unity and the restoration of domestic stability. Mon State is of upmost interest for regional and international development for the post-2020 era. Once peace and stability has been restored, the lower land of Burma has fast reserves of mineral resources and strategically significant seaports ready for use.

It is in the best interest of Mon people, the greater population of Mon State, and the lower region of Burma, that all key players work together. MPs in federal and local parliaments, NGOs and local community leaders must work together to establish adequate systems of education, heath and economy within Mon State and concomitantly with the rest of Burma.

Politics is the art of making the possible reality. And Mon State, including Mon nationals and all others, having a significant stake in the prospect of unity and cooperation in Burma. It is the right and responsibility of all Mon people to elect leaders and members of parliament in the coming 2012 and 2015 elections. We have the opportunity to vote for Mon politicians in these electing. If we have a significant majority, for example 60-70%, of Mon members in national and local government, Mon interests, such as good governance, economy, trade, education and health will be carried through under Mon leadership.

My gift for our readers in 2011 is the idea that we broaden the options of our own destiny. It is your destiny for there to be restoration of peace, unity and equality in Mon State and Burma.

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