Lyi Htaw – A strong storm hit the coastal town of Kyaikkami, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State, causing damage to markets and buildings nearby the famous Kyaikkami Yele pagoda, according to shop owners in town.
According to town residents, the storm from the western Martaban Sea of Mon State struck their town two times, first at 3 a.m. on 20 July, and again around 10 p.m. later the same day. The first storm was stronger than the second one, and it created a lot of damage, said the local residents.
According to a shop owner, “All shops and market buildings near the bus station, two town theatre and sport buildings, and many bases of houses are destroyed,” said a local shop owner.
Kyaikkami town is well known for its ancient pagoda built on a rock on the beach near the sea over a thousand years ago. Every year thousands of Buddhist worshipers visit the pagoda. The town is situated in the southern part of Mon State.
As the storm struck early in the morning of 20 July, the town residents could not estimate the strength of the wind, or how many miles per hour it was blowing. The authorities issued no weather announcements or radio communications to alert the town residents.
A member of the Pagoda Committee said, “I think the cost of the damage will be about 130 million kyat, as estimated by the local authorities”.
Relief organizations have reached the town and started collecting information about the damages. Two theatre and sport buildings belonging to the township administration have completely collapsed.
The Pagoda Committee will attempt to repair all damaged buildings before the annual pagoda festival, which will occur in three months. The festival event will be held for five days at the end of Buddhist Lent according to local tradition.
Mon State is well known for its many pagoda monuments. Kyaik Than Lan, Kyaik Htee Yoe (Golden Rock Pagoda), Kyaik Kelasa Pagoda, and Kyaikkami Yele Pagoda are all famous pagodas that draw numerous devotees and visitors from all parts of Burma to Mon State.
The storm also damaged rubber plantations in Mudon and Thanbyuzayat Townships. In the coastal area of Mon State, some local Mon farmers also grow rubber trees. Rice and rubber are the main products of Mon State.