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HomeNewsFighting Breaks out between Gov’t troops and KNU Brigade 4

Fighting Breaks out between Gov’t troops and KNU Brigade 4


Two KNU soldiers in front-line (Photo: FBR)
Two KNU soldiers in front-line (Photo: FBR)
Min Thu Ta – Two consecutive days of fighting broke out this month between Burmese government troops Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 277 and No. 582 and the Karen National Union (KNU) near Moe-ka-paw, located in eastern Tenasserism Township, Tenasserism Division. The KNU suffered two casualties, according to an officer from the KNU’s 4th brigade.

Despite the Burmese government and KNU’s 2012 ceasefire agreement, fighting took place between the two groups on June 13th and 14th.

“[Government troops] came to fire at our camp”, said the officer of KNU’s 4th brigade, “We never thought this could happen since [the] ceasefire [has] already [been] signed. We lost two men and [had] guns and bullets taken away.”

On June 13th, about 10 minutes of shooting took place near Moe-ka-paw camp, between the government’s LIB No. 277 and three members of the KNU. When the firefight stopped, LIB No. 577 found one KNU soldier dead, and seized one M-16, 110 bullets, and 2 bullet-packs, according to a Thai border guard, who has requested to remain anonymous

The next day, on June 14th, around 9:00 AM, the Burmese government’s Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 582 attacked the KNU Battalion No. 11, based in southern Moe-ka-paw area.

New Mon State Party (NMSP) Captain Hongsar is based at an NMSP base located near the area of fighting. “We heard that fighting broke out twice between the KNU and the government troop”, said Captan Hongsar, “It is not okay for us to take [this situation] easily, as the ceasefire has been signed. But, we should be aware of the resistance.”

In July of last year, government troops intruded and fired upon an NMSP camp based in Myeik District, near the Thai-Burma border, killing two NMSP soldiers and seizing their arms.

Although the state and union-level ceasefire agreement has been signed by the government and ethnic armed groups, Burmese media
outlets report that fighting has occurred over 100 times between government forces and the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) and the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS).

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