Min Thu Ta – Mon State Government officials surprised ethnic Mon leaders by expressing interest in organizing the 66th anniversary of Mon National Day planned for February 26.
Nai Ting Aung said, “We were told that the state’s Chief Minister Ohn Myint and State Parliamentary Chairman U Kyin Pe would like to serve as honorable leaders, and Dr. Min Nwe Soe and Minister U Khin Maung Thwin want to be the chairman and vice chairman of the event. We replied to Dr. Min Nwe Soe that we had already formed the [organizing] committee, and the honorable leaders and chairmen have already been chosen by representatives from respective townships. If the government officials want to take part in the event, they should submit a formal letter to our committee.”
The selection of the Mon National Day Executive Committee was decided at the Mon Hall in Moulmein, the capital of Mon State, on December 10. Over 100 members, comprised of representatives from the two Mon political parties, Mon Literature and Culture Organizations, Mon National Day organizing committees from 10 Mon townships, the Mon Youth Forum, and Mon Associations from Rangoon and Pegu cities were chosen.
“I explained to [the MNDC members] what I was asked to. What the [Mon committee] presented [to me], I already submitted to the [state] government. I cannot make the decision about whether or not the government will submit a letter to their committee,” said Dr. Min Nwe Soe.
The central 66th Anniversary of Mon National Day celebration will be held in Paung Town of Thaton District. As in previous years, the ceremony will include performances, concerts, and competitions in traditional Mon music and dancing.
In addition to the central festivities, the holiday will be observed in villages throughout Mon State and among Mon communities living in Rangoon, Mandalay, Pegu, Karen State, and Tenasserism Region.
“Mon people have celebrated Mon National Day for more than 60 years already without failing, and while facing many difficulties. As a result of celebrating Mon National Day, some [Mon] people were put in jail and others had to hide in the jungle. Since President Thein Sein took office, those problems have not occurred,” said Nai Tin Aung.
He added, “We will [more willingly] support the work of the Mon State government if they acknowledge Mon National Day as a state holiday.”
The first Mon National Day was in held in 1946 in Pa-nga Village of Thanbyuzayat Township by the newly-formed Mon National Association, chaired by Mon Po Cho and vice-chaired by Nai Aung Tun. The celebration commemorated the founding of the Hongsarwatoi Kingdom on the first day of the waning moon in the Burmese calendar month of Ta-Poe Twe, or February.